Subscriptions at Fitgrade


Your new subscription.

No more tedious reordering! Secure your subscription and benefit from regular deliveries directly to your home - without any additional effort. And the best part: with the subscription you also receive discounts on your products. You have full flexibility at all times, you can adjust your subscription or cancel it if necessary.


Subscriptions are automatically renewed according to the selected delivery cycle. With a monthly subscription, the products are automatically delivered directly to your home every month without the need to reorder. The payment method on file is automatically charged, which authorizes the shipping of the products. After each successful renewal of the subscription, the products are automatically shipped again.

Manage subscription

Yes, you can pause or cancel your subscription at any time in the customer portal. You can access the subscription portal here .

In the customer portal, you have the option to skip or reschedule a delivery. For each scheduled delivery, there is a "Skip Payment" option that allows you to skip the delivery. If you want to reschedule a delivery to a later date, you can do so by clicking the "Reschedule" button next to the scheduled delivery date.

Yes, you can add or remove products from your subscription in the customer portal. All you have to do is click on the "Edit" button in the product card. You can then add or remove products from your subscription or change existing details.


If your subscription cannot be renewed due to an unprocessed payment, you will be notified via email. This email will contain a secure link to update your payment method.