Return to Fitgrade


30 days return policy.

Return your order within 30 days of receipt. Quick and easy.

How do I return an item?

Within 30 days of receipt, you can return items easily and conveniently, generally at your own expense. After this period, returns are no longer possible. If the product is defective or incorrectly delivered, caused by the delivery or our logistics, the product can be returned free of charge.

Please note that due to food safety reasons we are generally unable to accept returns of food/supplements . Returns primarily involve fashion items and accessories.

We will refund the purchase amount within 14 days of receiving your package.

Return – step by step:

1. Pack your items
Simply place the items in the package with your order confirmation.

2. Attach shipping label
Label your shipment with the following address:

Fitgrade GmbH
Shipping warehouse
Steinackerstrasse 25
8302 Kloten

Note: Unfortunately, we do not provide the shipping label. Returns are generally at your own expense.

3. Submit your return
Bring your parcel to a Swiss Post branch

4. Get your refund
Please keep the return receipt. Once we have received the package, we will credit the purchase amount within 14 days.

If you have any problems or questions, our customer service team will be happy to help you at any time via our contact form or by email to .